Category Archives: i love my readers

a new calendar for the new year!


something i’ve really *accurately* wanted for the new year is an adorable desk calendar. i found a bunch of adorable ones i found on other blogs and of course, the amazing THE  pinterest.

the first one pictured above is a free AND printable one! i found it on Oh the lovely things download {here} i printed one for myself and i’m super excited to laminate and post it somewhere in my apartment!

flower potsthis one was found on and the whole earth sings, in perfect harmony

i love the adorable little flower pots and hand-written and hand-drawn dates.

jani also found this one on and the whole earth sings, in perfect harmony florals, warm colors, circled shapes. i die.

rifle bondthis is a perky, beautiful, and happy desk calendar by Rifle Paper Co.

i love love love these and realized the patterns and colors that i really love–i hope you all find an awesome little calendar to use around your home, office space, and/or study space…feel free to share the ones you find below!

Happy New Year!

love, A.

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favorite posts of 2013

with it being new years eve and all, i thought it was only natural to reflect on the posts of 2013 that i liked the most. new years eve makes me anxious honestly…the countdown, the need for awesome plans, a new year, expectations, tears, etc. but i will absolutely appreciate the moments of missananda this year 🙂

some of the moments are pictured below. some of the greatest moments that (aren’t) pictured are when I and my blog were featured on the 20somethings of 2013, learning about living alone, new year’s resolutions for the ‘school year.’ and probably “meeting” all of you and sharing my story with you–i love my readers,

in no particular order: 1// how did i end up here?–my story that i am now proud of and hope encourages everyone 2// after a period of struggling i found the word “relax” imprinted into the sidewalk 3// i simply love NYC 4// watching my best friend graduate from college 5// the amazing quote by Kyoko Escamilla 6// the day Marlowe came into my life 7// fall festivities with great company 8// a very special visit

fave posts copyhappy, happy new year everyone and do a little reflecting for yourself!

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little letters


dear father of time: new year’s always makes me anxious….

dear family: thank you.

dear kristin & stace: oh how I’ve missed you.

dear patience: thank you for showing me how

dear brene: you have no idea what i would do for a high-five from you

dear readers: thank you for your support all these months

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4 posts for all of November? …pathetic.

hello, friends!

November (and honestly most of this semester) has been beyond overwhelming and certainly challenging in regards of: school, work, placement, and other “life”-related things. I hope to get back to usual blogging once the thanksgiving weekend is over and i certainly hope you all indulged and enjoyed!

here are a few photos that i thought were appropriate//regarding life lately! hope you enjoy.

(in no particular order)

macklemore concert//colors of fall//marlowe//cuse football game//papermate colored pens duh//late nights studying//stuck apples//acrylic paints for brene brown’s e-course//nightstand//study cupcakes//apple cider doughnuts//rainbow over huntington//and more…

stuck apple acrylic paint colored pensapple cider donut cupcakes huntington late cuse football

leaves macklemore marlowe praying night stand lately rainbow

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Featured Friend: Brittany, “Love yourself! The Reason I Cut My Hair Off.”


I ‘met’ (quotes bc she is one of my younger sister’s good friends and we’re also from the same home town…but I mean that just means even more to me) Brittany at one of the most pivotal times of my life. She’s holds such a sweet and important place in the entirety of my self-discovery. Our friendship compliments us as individuals so beautifully and I love being an older, guiding figure for her at times. I’m so unbelievably honored to have her featured on my blog as she’s a fellow Education major as well as passionate writer. Here’s her story about her fabulous new hair and what it’s helped her realize. I love you to death!


The Reason I Cut My Hair Off

By Brittany Lindo

brit long

I’ve always admired women who were able to chop off all of their hair and rock the pixie/bob/buzzed look.  They always seemed so confident…and we all know that confidence is the key to feeling beautiful.  Halfway through my first year of college I began to think maybe I could pull something like that off too.

In the past I’ve had some trouble with being comfortable and happy with the way I look.  The media is a very scary place, trust me. I always thought I was too fat, or too short, or just too ugly in general.  With the support of my friends and family I was able to overcome that dark time but even though I started to accept who I am there was still something holding me back.  I would always delay the actual act of cutting off my hair because I would feel too attached to it.  Then I began to realize that over the years my hair became some sort of a security blanket.  I would hide behind my big poofy hair in order to distract others from the other flaws I saw in myself.  I didn’t necessarily hate how my hair looked, I just hated that I used it to further prove that I wasn’t entirely happy with who I am.

So on June 28, 2013 I got the courage to go to my hairdresser and about an hour later, my hair was all gone! Talk about liberating. It has been about four months since the big chop and I can honestly say that I regret not one thing from the experience.  I have gotten so much support from my friends and family and that has meant the absolute world to me.

brit short hair

Not only is shorter hair MUCH easier to handle and style, I began to see myself in a whole new, more positive light.  With my new look, I can see that I was always a beautiful person, inside and out, with long or short hair. The funny thing is that it has always been that way, it just took me a little while to see it. But most importantly, I learned to love myself.  It may not be “normal” for girls to have short hair but I’m not here to impress others. Always remember that YOU come first and if you love it then that is all that matters.

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Featured Friend: Bobby, “Stand Still Like the Hummingbird: The Quest for Inner Peace”

Bobby is someone very special to me. When I was 17 I had my very first job! It was a small Kosher deli in a shopping strip in my hometown. I’d go in a few days after school and I learned so many things about the food industry, kosher culture, my hometown itself, and so much more…. and Bobby was my boss. He was the manager of this fine deli and became someone I looked up to and almost a life coach as I was applying to college and in my senior year of high school.

I did lots of growing up thanks to him and that job while ago and we’ve kept in contact as best we could. When I found his pleasant email the other day I was ecstatic to read his work and to show it to you, all. This piece is entitled “Stand Still Like the Hummingbird” and was completely hooked right after the first paragraph. I found it to be so meaningful and perfect for so many of the people in my audience and also very special to me.

I felt encouraged to accept myself, to appreciate the things I do each day, and to at least try not to be so hard on myself all the time. I hope this does the same for you, and thank you SO much, Bobby for sharing this with (us)!

{photo by Rick Brown}



The Quest for Inner Peace

By Robert Scharf

As we search for healing and struggle to come to grips with our past, as we awaken long repressed emotions, as we try to move forward with our lives in a positive vein, we run the risk of becoming discouraged if our “progress” does not seem to fit our image of progress. We run this risk because we imagine that if we are healing, we should no longer have our faults.

“I do all this working through over my issues, why do I still have a short temper?”

I like to remind us, from time to time, that a good part of what we need to do is learn self- acceptance. It is doubtful that your labors toward finding inner peace will be lost, though you may not find all the “improvements” you hoped for.

Surely this imperative to be faultless is born of the poisonous pedagogy, of all of the internalized rejection we suffered, of all the times we were told, explicitly or implicitly, that we weren’t quite good enough. In our quest for inner peace, it is this internalized critic which we must let go as much as we must let go of our ghosts from the past.

There is a book by Henry Miller with the charming title, “Stand Still Like the Hummingbird.” This delightful image is dialectical and paradoxical and can mean many things and I may not use it in the sense Miller used it. When the hummingbird feeds, it hovers before a plant. It hovers by fluttering its wings over 60 times a second! They move so fast, they cannot be seen with the naked eye. So, is the hummingbird moving or is it standing still? It is expending great energy while it feeds and replenishes energy.

When we are weary, we require rest; but our bodies are doing great work! We feel replenished upon awakening because our body does the work of replenishing itself. So, are we at rest or at work?

One of the things this image of the hummingbird brings to mind is this question of healing. “If I were healing, I would be dong such and such, or not doing this or that.” You might focus on the idea that you are standing still, but you are actually doing tremendous work. Conversely, you might focus on the work you are doing without realizing how you are also standing still or being replenished.

What I am suggesting here is that this can be a question of focus, of being content with where you are and who you are.

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I have some of the greatest readers. It warms my heart when someone comes up to me in class or texts me after a while telling me how much they appreciate it…i appreciate YOU! and this blog would be nothing without my readers– all the young people who are also trying to find themselves (excuse the french) in this fucked up world.

to honor all of you and your amazing ideas, i’m asking if you guys would like to have a “feature” on my blog. meaning: if you have a recipe, DIY craft, inspirational post, are a teacher and would like to share something from your classroom, or anything really please send an email to {} and let me know what your idea is. i’ll ask you to write a post that will be “featured” on the blog for a few days 🙂

i look forward to reading about all your amazing ideas!!



p.s. the girl pictured above is clearly not me. i thought it was a delightful photo and captured a little of “myself” (whatever that means…) photo from capecodcollegiate


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stories that inspire change

anonymous true stories that inspire change in the world

Diane Ravitch's blog

A site to discuss education and democracy


Lifestyle, Fashion, and Beauty Blog.

Sentiments from the Heart

where life and poetry coincide

Southern Tier Fly Fisher

A Journal of Fly Fishing the Southern Tier of NY State with Occasional Wanderings into Pennsylvania, Western Rivers, and the Salt


Becky says things about things and other things

Thought Catalog

Thought Catalog is a digital youth culture magazine dedicated to your stories and ideas.

Delightful Children's Books

Find a book to delight a child.

The Renegade Seamstress

Refashions Beyond My Wildest Seams

Bucket List Publications

Indulge- Travel, Adventure, & New Experiences


Food. Garden. Style.

The Skeleton Scribble

A twenties blog about life, travel, fashion, music, pop culture and journalism. By Alex Bruce-Smith

20somethings Blog

Stories of men and women in their twenties

Bunny Kitchen

Exploring the possibilities of cruelty free food


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