Tag Archives: life lessons

the 5 types of friends every girl should have.

one of my best friends got me a subscription for “Real Simple” mag this past christmas. at first i was kind of like, “w-t-f am i getting old or what??!!” and then i realized…i, indeed was.

anyway, anyway, as i started reading i LOVE it. i think it’s the perfect magazine for any woman who is in the same phase of their life that i’m in. where you’re just trying to find yourself and look for advice you really only want..nothing unsolicited.

anyway they had a feature in this month’s issue entitled “5 types of friends everyone should have” and i agreed with them (what the whaaaat?!) so i figured to go through the list and give some of my thoughts/reasonings/interpretations.

1. the comic relief: that one person who no matter what, can make you laugh and not just laugh but belly-aching-unable-to-breathe laugh. everything in your world can go wrong but you can loudly exclaim and screech.

2. the challenger: they push you they make you doubt yourself only to do better. you have completely opposite lives but you mesh so very well, arguing with you yet educating you

3. the loyalist: the person you can be a hot mess with. no matter what. they can see you at your worst and love you all the same, if not more.

4. the life coach: the invigorator. you’re too busy for one another but when you talk, you help each other get past the next hurdle of life and you completely catch up and love each other for being there the entire time while you both reach your dreams.

5. the risk taker: the crazy friend who makes you do things you would never do in a million years. they push you to take risks and find deep down what suites you but you’re afraid of.

Imageso many of these people overlap in my life but that just makes me feel all the more special to have the people in my life that i do. i miss my best friends, so much. growing up and moving to all parts of the state (and country) is really tough..but part of life and we’re really good at this now. i love you, ladies!

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